Learnerships for Business Studies Management & Administration

By | May 4, 2021

Learnerships for Business Studies Management & Administration

Learnerships for Business Studies Management & Administration

Learnerships for Business Studies Management & Administration prepare candidates for the business. This includes entrepreneurs, managing a business and more. With such a degree your options are vast and stretch across most industries and sectors. In South Africa, the need for people in this field has grown increasingly as businesses have improved. Management and administration go hand-in-hand. Management functions include personnel, finances, and all running aspect. Administration focuses on business operations, and decisions concerning people, finance, and resources. Thus, both of these work together toward a common goal, the success of a business. With qualifications in this field, candidates can enter a selection of positions and sectors.

Business Studies Management & Administration Learnerships Available

This vast field offers candidates a good selection of career paths to follow. Here we have listed some of those careers and the businesses that offer learnerships in these fields.

Career options may include:

  • Customer Service Manager
  • Manager
  • Production Manager
  • Risk Manager
  • Sales Executive
  • Sales Manager
  • Marketing Executive
  • Administration Assistant
  • Administration Manager
  • Events Manager
  • Public Relations Manager
  • Financial Officer
  • Operations Manager

Companies that offer Learnerships for Business Studies Management & Administration

Business Studies Managements & Administration Learnerships Requirements

Some companies have a long list of requirements and some only a couple. We have compiled some of the shared requirements for you to use as a backbone, but be sure to include all other documents as is stated on the application you are completing.

See also  Learnerships In South Africa Closing August 2021 – 2022

Requirements could include:

  • Candidates must be 18 to 35 years of age
  • Applicants must have a valid ID document/book or card
  • The applicants must not have any criminal record
  • Applicants must have a Matric or Grade 12 certification
  • All applicants must be fluent in English
  • Candidates might be required to be computer literate
  • Applicants must be presentable, detail orientated and committed

Applicants can also submit any recommendation letters, references, and a CV. Please make copies of all original documents and have them certified, do not send your originals.

Learnerships  for Business Studies Managements & Administration Application

Business studies management & administration learnerships online application will be available for most companies. Yet, some companies may not have an online application process. These companies may then provide applications by email, download or collection from their offices. Completed applications must be accompanied by all certified documentation.

Applications received past the closing date will not be taken into consideration. Applications missing documents or that are not completed in full will also be disregarded. Many of these learnerships will stretch over a 12 to 24-month period. The details of such a learnership will be discussed with each qualifying applicant.

WBHO Learnerships

Aurecon Learnerships

Anglo American Learnerships Programme

Amathuba Learnerships

Avusa Learnerships Programme

ArcelorMittal Learnerships

BANKSETA Learnerships Programme

Barloworld Learnerships

BBE Learnerships

BHP Billiton Learnerships

BMW Learnerships Programme

Bytes Learnerships Programme

CETA Learnerships

Coca Cola Learnerships

Coega Learnerships

Correctional Services Learnership Programme

De Beer Learnerships

DHL Learnerships

Discovery Learnerships Programme

Edcon Learnerships

Engen Learnerships

See also  Spar Yes4Youth Learnership Opportunity 2021-2022

Ekurhuleni Metro Police Learnerships

Eskom Learnership Programme

Ernst And Young Learnerships

Exxaro Learnerships

FNB First National Bank Learnerships

Gijima Learnerships

Glencore Xstrata Learnerships

Gold Fields Learnerships

Harmony Gold Learnerships

IBM Learnerships

Implants Impala Platinum Learnerships

INSETA Learnership Programme

Kelly Learnerships

KPMG Learnerships

Kuyasa Learnership Programme

Lancet Learnerships

Letsema Learnership Programme

Liberty Learnerships

Lonmin Learnerships

Merseta Learnerships

Momentum Learnerships

Medi Clinic Learnerships

Microsoft Learnerships

Mintek Learnerships

MQA Learnership Programme

Murray & Roberts Learnerships

Multichoice Learnerships

MTN Learnerships

NAMPAK Learnerships

National Treasury Learnerships

Nedbank Learnership Programme

Netcare Learnerships

NYDA National Youth Development Agency Learnerships

Petra Diamonds Learnerships

Protea Chemicals Learnerships

Rand Water Learnerships

SABC Learnerships

Samancor Learnerships

Sandvik Learnerships

SAB Miller Learnerships

Standard Bank Learnerships

Sasol Learnerships Programme

SASSETA Learnerships

SETA Learnerships

Siemens Learnerships

South African Police Service (SAPS) Learnerships

Spoornet Learnerships

Telkom Learnership Programme

Toyota LearnershipProgramme

Transnet Learnership Programme

UTI Learnership Programme

Unilever Learnerships

Vodacom Learnership Programme

WBHO Learnerships

Woolworths Learnerships

Government Learnerships 2023 – 2024

Listed below are different sectors of the Government in South Africa that are offering Learnerships. These government Learnerships are very popular among the SA public. We are working on extending the list as there are many departments offering Learnerships.

Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fishery Learnerships

Department of Environmental Affairs Learnerships

Department of Education Learnerships

Department of Health Kwa Zulu Natal Learnerships

Department of Health North West Learnerships

Department of Health Polokwane Learnerships

Department of Home Affairs Learnerships

Department of Higher Education Learnerships

Department of Labour Learnerships

Department of Public Works Learnerships